Transcript of this live stream:
Hello. I think we're live. Are we live? Hes. We are live. Thank you for joining me for 10 minutes. Just a quick coffee break. I hope you've got yours. I've just got mine. It's Thursday. It's snowing outside here in Stockholm and we are desperately waiting for the spring, which is probably another four weeks away, let's be honest.
But nevermind. We're inside. It's nice and warm. I just wanted to spend a few minutes to really talk to you about live stream. And something that I really believe companies and teams need to be doing more of in 2023. And I wanna separate the difference between doing a webinar which we're all familiar with now.
We've been doing hundreds of web webinars over the last year or two years. So I think those skills from webinars are transferable to live. And therefore people need to really start taking live more seriously, especially when you consider all the platforms now prioritize live in their algorithms.
If you make content live, their algorithm likes you and it'll push your content further to the top and get noticed. So I can see Andreas is cutting to an example here now of an office tour livestream. We. A few weeks ago for a client here in Stockholm and we are just, introducing their customers in their world to the environment they work in their space.
And Julia did a great job. No preparation, really. Just jumped on, started talking and we took everyone on our tour around the office. Again, bringing people together online in this kind of live setup is great. So I just wanna do 10 minutes why you need to go live and I'll crack in straight away.
So I've already mentioned that platforms like LinkedIn prioritize live now, so that content will go to the top of your feed if you have a thousand plus. followers on LinkedIn like I do the professional network, it's gonna get huge exposure and the testing we've been doing in the last six months is phenomenal.
The amount of reach we can live stream to 10 LinkedIn accounts at once, so that's tens of thousands of people. If you've got like 10 colleagues, including your company LinkedIn profile, that could potentially see that live stream. So the second thing is there's a first mover advantage. I dunno if you noticed, but there's a lot of goofy content still being posted on LinkedIn.
People forget that LinkedIn is a professional. On the other way. They forget that LinkedIn is a professional. Platform, social media platform. And they post content like it's Facebook, pictures of my classic is they'll be at an event somewhere and they'll take a picture of the stand and everyone will be like we're here.
We're in Oslo, Norway. It just doesn't offer any value to people scrolling on LinkedIn, so it's not really gonna achieve much. The third thing is context. When you are live, you can add context. Like at the beginning of this stream, I just mentioned that it's snowing outside. It's a Thursday in Stockholm.
But I know what if Spain won the Eurovision Song contest last. You might can mention that at the start of the stream, and it's just a different vibe, when you, when it's actually happening right now, people connect with that kind of live raw feeling rather than a post produced piece of content that was made weeks ago.
Actually that leads into my fourth point, which is no post production. So we've all been there, we've made, we make video content and then six weeks later it's posted after you record it. But this stuff is live right now. You do it and it's out there into the world achieving things for you.
So there's something about the instant impact of a live stream, which I think is really cool. The fifth thing is get creative. We're set up like this right now because we've been live streaming all morning with a couple of clients. But if it was up to me, I'd like to be on the move right now.
I'd like to be talking and walking. We could be out in the street. I could show you the snow for real. We have a setup actually with wireless receivers that enable us to essentially give you a kind of high end live TV broadcast. But without the high-end price tag that you might get from a traditional production company.
Th this is something really to stand out on LinkedIn and other platforms like YouTube with live high-end live productions. And you'd be surprised. You don't need to prepare just as much. I just for this today, maybe you can tell maybe not, but I spent 10 minutes preparing this just made some notes here on my.
And just wanted to get this stuff outta my head that I've been collecting up over the last week or two. So get creative, bring guests in. We could easily cut now to someone remotely and bring them into the stream. We could bring someone in from the office. We could cut to another camera outside talking to someone so you really get creative of lives.
That's something that's exciting. Make the content a bit more laid back. I think that, as companies, individuals you produce video content and it it gets overproduced and therefore it can come across quite serious. And live is a great way of showing your personality and, Showing your team, your culture.
It's just something raw about it. People are a bit an get a bit anxious and nervous about it at first, but as soon you, you find your voice and it's a great way to let your real personality and team come through the culture. I mentioned, you could go live at the same time with other people's accounts, so you can do a LinkedIn account takeover.
For example, if you have an executive who has 10,000 LinkedIn followers, for example. You might, you might, they might allow you to broadcast your company message or your update on their LinkedIn account, which will give you huge organic reach. So that, and like I said earlier, you can do up to 10 accounts at once with our software.
You can really have extremely large amount of organic reach for whatever it is you're trying to promote. Let's have a look here. Notes that I just made a few minutes ago. Digital events, that's a great thing. So if you have a physical event in the real world, around Christmas time, we'll have events.
But there could be certain expos and events going on in your company, like, why not go live and produce a high end, live stream of those events? So you're just expanding the reach. You've spent the money on that exhibition stand. You spent the money on the catering, you spent the money on getting a guest speaker in.
Why not broadcast that live to the audiences you have in the digital. It's just a, I think people don't do it because they're concerned about the production value. Perhaps they're concerned about making errors and mistakes in a live format, but what, why not get more value for money and produce that content and send it out to everybody, basically who can consume it?
I think I mentioned the multi streams. Yeah. I think that, the sort of thing I would like to say is that people, they. Are prepared to do webinars. Everyone's been doing webinars now for a long time. You might have 20, 30 people on a webinar, for example, or some maybe more. But you're in a safe gate.
You have your prearranged time and everyone shows up and you know who's coming. And it's very produced maybe with some slides. But you know what? . What about just doing it live? It's raw. It's just now it's something about it that's, more organic. So really think it through everyone.
I think it's something that you should really to do. The final thing I'll mention is that going back to the creative point I mentioned, we can do things like, like right now I can cut to the screen here. For example, if I wanted to do a tour of our webpage or we had a new feature here, so if I was, I could scroll through here.
Tell you about an event we did at the weekend here. We were live streaming at the Nordic Open Championships for jujitsu. So I could, I could take you through some activity we've been doing. I could do a, so a live software demo of an, of a new update that's come in. I could tell you about, this pro livestream project that we did
That's so funny. Christmas. But I'm wearing our new dress that's live dress. It's the dream dress and mid we can make it, we can make the livestream super interactive. And it's a good way to keep, a good way to keep everyone Engaged in your content. So that's it for now. I really thank you for spending a few minutes just to listen to me rant about live producing live content.
But it's really something I think that we should all be doing more of and taking advantage of the huge potential of going live. It is a bit scary, but once you've done it a few times, Then you realize it's just like any other production set up, you can get it done and you'll see the results. Yeah.
Thank you very much signing out from here in Stockholm. Have a lovely rest of the day. Bye.