Having a relaxed conversation with their customers on camera in our Stockholm studio has helped the Rillion team create authentic storytelling that scales up. Instead of begging customers to talk into a camera and reviving their acting careers! We encouraged Rillion to talk for 30-40 mins with their customers in a Video Podcast format.
“Getting people, especially those who are not media trained to chat in this format is so much better for everyone. The production goes quicker and 99% of people enjoy the experience and want more” explains Daniel, founder of Addtocart.
The format also makes it easy to replicate, as new customers discussions can be informed by the previous. The studio is also portable. “Often we travel to customer locations to record the conversations” adds Daniel. Which enables some context to be added to the visuals and event B-Roll recordings to be mixed with the conversation, making for a real engaging piece of content.
The video podcasts get transcribed for SEO and then chopped up into 10-20 smallers edits for LinkedIn and other places.
More on Video Podcast setup here.